Outlast 2 telecharger gratuit de PC et Torrent

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Outlast 2 Telecharger
gratuit et Torrent pour PC – Version Complete de jeu

Une autre série populaire d’horreur de survie, sur laquelle sont la responsabilité du studio canadien des Barils Rouges. Cette fois les joueurs vont à la région de Supai, dans l’état de l’Arizona, où le personnage principal – Blake Langermann – et sa femme, Lynn, essayant de démêler la mort mystérieuse d’une femme anonyme. Les cas prennent de la vitesse quand le mariage est divisé – émerge comme si cela ne suffisait pas qui a localisé près du village habité par des cultistes violents. Outlast 2 telecharger est une horreur de survie développée par le studio canadien indépendant des Barils Rouges. La production suit le chemin défini par le versement précédent dans la série et ne présente pas de changements révolutionnaires du jeu de plan – toujours le joueur est jeté dans le rôle de jeu, qui chasse des adversaires et la survie exige non seulement la fuite du contact avec l’ennemi et détecter, mais aussi s’échapper d’ennemis.



Outlast 2 Telecharger Exigences Minimales POUR PC:

[box type= »download »]CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0 GHz / AMD Athlon II X2 270; RAM: 3 GB; OS: Windows 7 64-bit; Carte vidéo: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX / AMD Radeon HD 3870; Espace disque libre: 5 GB[/box]

[tabs slidertype= »images » fx= »slide » auto= »yes » autospeed= »5000″] [imagetab width= » » height= » »]https://jeux-telecharger.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Outlast2_WindMill-1920×1080.jpg[/imagetab][imagetab width= » » height= » »]https://jeux-telecharger.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Outlast2-Window-1920×1080.jpg[/imagetab][imagetab width= » » height= » »]https://jeux-telecharger.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/outlast-2-will-make-gamers-suffer-says-developer_e98b.jpg[/imagetab][/tabs]


Comment installer Outlast 2 Telecharger:

  1. Télécharger le Outlast 2 Gratuit installateur de Jeux-Telecharger.FR
  2. Lancez-le sur votre ordinateur
  3. Suivez les instructions fournies dans le programme
  4. Après environ 30 minutes, le jeu sera prêt
  5. Lancer le jeu et profiter


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Outlast 2 is a survival horror developed by independent Canadian studio Red Barrels. Production follows the path defined by the previous installment in the series and does not introduce revolutionary changes in the scheme gameplay – still the player is cast in the role of game, which hunt opponents, and survival requires not only avoiding contact with the enemy and detect, but also to escape from enemies . The title was released among other things, on the PC platform Windows, becoming the lists of species aces, led SOMA, Alien: Isolation and the extremely warm VII adopted Resident Evil: Biohazard. Although the game itself is not financed through Kickstarter, marked its presence at the site in a unique way – the developers started because fundraiser dedicated diapers, which ultimately failed. Outlast 2 takes place in the region of Supai, located near the Grand Canyon in Arizona. The main character of the game is Blake Langermann – journalist and cameraman who tends to the place with his wife – Lynn – in order to solve the riddle of the mysterious death of anonymous women; it is not known whether the victim of a murder, or for unknown reasons decided to commit suicide. Establishment of action occurs when the helicopter aboard which traveled marriage is a disaster, and Blake and the other half are separated. Soon it comes to light that located near the village inhabited by violent cultists who believe in the great strides approaching the end of the world. From now on, the task of the hero is to find Lynn and escape from this grim place. In Outlast 2 on the PC platform Windows action is presented from the perspective of first person (FPP). Pillar game is exploration – in contrast to its predecessor, the production offers open areas, after which the prowl armed opponents.

Outlast 2 Gratuit telecharger de PC – Version Complete et Torrent

Opponents are so dangerous that the protagonist is not able to meet them any resistance – must therefore sneak behind them, hide behind the elements of the environment or even in the midst of the corn and, if necessary, to flee. Fortunately, with the help of elements come freerunningu – ward copes well to jump over ravines, rolling around and climbing, which often saves his life. It is worth mentioning that the authors looked into the issue of artificial intelligence that cares about the natural behavior of pursuers – in the case of successful escape his victims seem confused and do not stop in her search, rummaging through every corner of the vast site. The only « weapon » with which the protagonist can make use is the camera. Compared with its counterpart from a previous cycle reads the device is a bit more sophisticated. In addition to night vision goggles equipped them for function approximation and two microphones, so that players can hear footsteps approaching from the left or the right. Although Outlast 2 haunted mainly gloomy atmosphere and climate zaszczucia, found a place here also popular « jump scares » or moments in which Blake is suddenly attacked by an angry adversary. It is in such moments makes itself felt yet another novelty – the hero wears glasses that can fall to the ground, resulting in blurred images and significantly impaired visibility. Outlast 2 for Windows PC is based on the technology of Unreal Engine 3.5, making three-dimensional artwork presents a decent level of performance. Noteworthy is both dynamic lighting, and refined with attention to detail surroundings. You’ve accompanied by a specially composed soundtrack effectively building the chilling atmosphere.

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